Theme: World Christianity and Global Challenges

The CCCW is establishing a week-long annual residential Summer Institute on the theme ‘World Christianity and Global Challenges’ to take place in Cambridge every year. The first Institute will be from 18-22 July 2022.

It is a wonderful opportunity for Christians from the Global North and South to gather together and to learn about Christianity in the other parts of the world. It is also an opportunity to build relationships as global Christians together.

Each Summer Institute will deal with a challenge focusing on the following:


How does the chosen challenge affect Christians locally and globally?

How does it impact wider societies in which we live?


The various ways in which Christians and Christian communities respond to it.

The strengths and shortcomings of the responses.


What insights can Christians from other contexts learn from each other? How can these shape Christian mission, ministry and education in local contexts?

In what ways can Christians, as a global community, together with our neighbours from other faiths and traditions, work to create better societies?

The Summer Institute will have the participants from diverse geographical backgrounds, from different denominations, and age groups. It will bring together theological students, educators, researchers as well as any Christian interested in learning about Christianity in another part of the world.

There will be talks on the chosen challenge, but much of the time will be spent for conversations – both formal in groups and informal – and on workshops and historical tours related to World Christianity.