Date of creation: 1979-2013
Extent: about 350 items
CCCW Catalogue: BEN
Keywords: Kenya, Anglican Church, David Gitari, church and state, Bible Churchman’s Missionary Society

George Patrick Benson was born in 1949 and educated at Oxford and All Nations Christian College. He went to Kenya in 1978 as a missionary of the Bible Churchman’s Missionary Society and worked in the Diocese of Mount Kenya East as tutor and director of studies at St. Andrew’s Institute for Theology and Development. From 1986 to 1989 he worked in diocesan headquarters in Embu as publications secretary and director of communications, where he worked closely with Bishop Gitari during a period of great drama in his relations with President Daniel arap Moi. He returned to England in 1989 and was ordained in 1991.

The collection focuses on Benson’s time in Kenya, including administrative records of the Diocese of Mount Kenya East, formal records of synod, and informal newsletter publications. It also includes papers produced for the Anglican Church of Kenya and the National Christian Council of Kenya. There are extensive recordings of sermons and other addressed by Bishop Gitari, which have been digitized. Further papers are related to Benson’s ongoing involvement with Kenya after his return to England.

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