Dates of creation: 1953 to 1986
Extent: 1 box
CCCW Catalogue: GUI
Keywords: Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Bible translation, Church Missionary Society

Letters and other papers related to the work of Philippa (1918-2000) and Rosemary Guillebaud (1915-2002) as CMS missionaries, teachers and translators in the Sudan and Uganda and Kenya. Philippa and Rosemary Guillebaud were partly raised in Uganda, close to the Rwandan border, as the daughters of the missionaries Harold and Margaret Guillebaud. Rosemary followed her father’s main work in becoming a Bible translator in Uganda and then in Burundi. Philippa worked at a girls’ boarding school in southern Sudan from the 1940s. In 1959, she finished teaching to concentrate full-time on translating the Bible into Bari. This collection mainly comprises two discrete series of letters, from Philippa to her mother from Yei (Southern Sudan) 1953-61, and from Rosemary in to her sister Lindesay from Jinga and Gulu (Uganda) 1964-69.

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