Lewis, Theodore
Date of creation: 1967 to 1980
Extent: 69 items
CCCW Catalogue: LEW
Keywords: Anglican Church, Congo, Zaire, Episcopal Church
Theodore Lewis was a non-stipendiary priest in the Episcopal Church of the United States of America during a career in the American Foreign Service. On being posted to Kinshasa in 1967, he began a small Anglican congregation. In 1969, he visited Boga in eastern Zaire and met Anglicans who were worshipping in congregations established by Apolo Kivebulaya in the late 19th century. Lewis’ report on this visit opened the way for Philip Ridsdale to become the first resident bishop in Boga and the subsequent expansion of the church. This collection includes the report of the visit to Boga, as well as correspondence to and from archbishops Erica Sabiti, Oliver Green-Wilkinson, and Bezaleri Ndahura
Further resources
- .pdf catalogue of this collection: LEW Lewis