Date of creation: 1928-2014
Extent: 15 boxes (equivalent)
CCCW Catalogue: YAT
Keywords: sermons, Max Warren, Stephen Neill, missiology, New Zealand

Canon Timothy Yates (1935-2015) was an Eton and Cambridge-educated evangelical Anglican who during a career spent mainly in clergy training at St John’s College and Cranmer Hall, Durham, and parochial work in Derbyshire villages, developed an interest in the history of Christian mission, with major contributions to scholarship on the CMS general secretary Henry Venn and the arrival of Christianity to New Zealand, and several shorter ones including those on Venn’s more recent successor Max Warren (1904-1979) and on the evangelicals of the mid-20th century Bryan Green and Tim Houghton. These interests led him to be a major force for the development of missiological studies in English theological colleges and in the societies born of this interest, the British and Irish Association for Mission Studies and the International Association for Mission Studies. The resulting breadth of knowledge was marshalled in his seminal work, Christian Mission in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge 1994).

This archive is strong in Yates’s research papers, including those for New Zealand, including much that though not archival in the strictest sense, is conveniently assembled here for other researchers, in papers produced for numerous conferences on mission studies, covering a worldwide canvas.   It also contains a large quantity of his notes for sermons, addresses and lectures.

Further resources: pdf version of catalogue: YAT Yates