Spirit-Filled World: The Continuity Debate in African Pentecostalism
17 March 2021, 16:00 - 17 March 2021, 17:30 Webinar - please register
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Professor Allan Anderson, Emeritus Professor of Mission and Pentecostal Studies, University of Birmingham
This paper discusses African Pentecostalism and its relationship to the common belief of a pervading spirit world. It is based on many years of fieldwork in an African township near Pretoria, which Anderson evaluates in his latest book. The paper introduces the argument that African Pentecostalism (and indeed, Pentecostalism worldwide) keeps both a continuous and discontinuous relationship with that spirit world in creative tension, and this is one of the main factors that causes Pentecostalism and the focus on healing and prosperity to flourish.
Prof Anderson's main interests are in the areas of the history, mission and theology of Pentecostalism in Africa and Asia. He is the author of five books on South African Pentecostalism, one on African independent churches, and three books on global Pentecostalism that have received international acclaim. His Introduction to Pentecostalism has been translated and published in Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish and Korean, and now has a second edition.