Asian theology – book of the week

Our book of the week is:

asian theology on the way: christianity, culture and context (spck international study guide 50) / peniel j. r. rajkumar, editor


This volume is a compilation of writings by nearly twenty prominent Asian theologians who have made their work accessible to new scholars in the field of world Christianity. It is an ideal introduction to Asian theologies and also major questions that these theologies raise.

These questions relate to how the Church formulates its theology, and these Asian theologians argue that their indigenous context requires a new Christian theology. Some see their task as undoing western colonial interpretations of Scripture, and creating theologies in the light of issues which dominate their own unique culture and its needs.

The book is volume 50 of the SPCK International Study Guide Series which has been praised by René Padilla, Emeritus President of the Kairos Foundation and Director of Kairos Books. He writes of this ecumenical series:

“To be relevant to life, theology has to be contextual. The International Study Guides are a tremendous help to people. They broaden their concept of the mission of the Church and their Christian responsibility.”

Our library has six volumes in this series. The key one to check out is African theology on the way: current conversations/ Diane B. Stinton, editor 230.06 STI

Like Asian theology on the way, African theology on the way is shaped for introductory level students and is a compilation of writings of prominent African theologians, providing an introduction to the diversity and wealth of African theologies and the major questions that these raise.

“Topics range from biblical interpretation to spirituality and ethics, from Pentecostalism and African Instituted Churches to evil and suffering, from feminist theory to Christian identity and ethnicity.” — back cover

Ruth MacLean, Librarian