CCCW & the Journal of Ecclesiastical History Essay Competition
The Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide and the Journal of Ecclesiastical History announce a new World Christianities essay prize of £500, funded in part by a generous donation from the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide.
The prize will be awarded each year to the author of an original research article on any subject relating to the history of Christianity outside Europe and North America since the year 700. Contributions are welcome from any historical subdiscipline and with any chronological or geographical focus within those parameters. Contributions will be assessed anonymously and are open to any author regardless of seniority or background. Entries from junior scholars are warmly encouraged.
The judges will be seeking to award the prize to an essay which displays rigorous and groundbreaking research, effectively communicated, and of significance to the wider discipline. The winning submission will be published as an article in the January 2018 number of the Journal, and the authors of other high-quality submissions may also be invited to publish in the Journal. The judges reserve the right not to make an award in the event that no submission meets the required standard.
Submissions should be prepared in accordance with the journal’s style guide and should not exceed 8,000 words, including notes.
The closing date for submissions is 31 March 2017, and the outcome of the competition will be announced in September 2017. Submissions should be sent as email attachments, with ‘World Christianities Prize’ in the subject line, to Mrs Mandy Barker.
Exemplary articles on World Christianities published in the journal to date are available to download.