Our list of journals shows holdings of more than a hundred titles. More than thirty of these are current. Many are published in non-western countries.
Current journals
Acta Missiologiae: Journal for reflection on missiological issues and mission practice in Central and Eastern Europe
African Affairs: Journal of the Royal African Society
African Christian Studies
African Ecclesial Review (AFER)
African Research and Documentation
AICMAR Bulletin (an Evangelical Christian Journal of contemporary mission and research in Africa, by the African Institute for Contemporary Mission and Research, Kenya)
ASAUK Newsletter (African Studies Association of the UK)
Asian Missions Advance
Australian Journal of Mission Studies (previously South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies)
Bangalore Theological Forum
Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries (ABTAPL)
Dharma Deepika: a South Asian Journal of Missiological Research
Exchange: Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research
Global Christianity: Studies in Religion and Society (previously Swedish Missiological Themes/ Svensk MissionsTidskrift
International Bulletin of Mission Research (previously International Bulletin of Missionary Research)
International Review of Mission
Journal of African Christian Thought
Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa
Journal of the Henry Martyn Institute
Journal of Latin American Theology: Christian reflections from the Latino South
Journal of Theology for Southern Africa
Missiology: an International Review
Mission Studies: Journal of the International Association for Mission Studies
Mission Today (previously Indian Missiological Review)
Missionalia: Southern African Journal of Missiology
Pacific Journal of Theology
Religion and Society
Studies in World Christianity (Edinburgh Review of Theology and Religion)
SMT Swedish Missiological Themes/ Svensk MissionsTidskrift (continued as Global Christianity: Studies in Religion and Society)
Sudan Church Review (magazine of the ‘Sudan Church Association’ supporting the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and of Sudan)
TCNN Research Bulletin (Theological College of Northern Nigeria)
Third Millennium: Indian Journal of Evangelization
Vidyajyoti: Journal of Theological Reflection
Journal holdings
AACC Bulletin (All Africa Conference of Churches)
Abstracts: European Muslims and Christian-Muslim relations
Africa Currents
Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology (previously East Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology)
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute
Anabaptist Witness
ANITEPAM Bulletin (Newsletter of the African Network of Institutions of Theological Education Preparing Anglicans for Ministry)
Areopagus: a living encounter with today’s religious world
Article 227 (representing the interests of the Evangelical Christian Baptists (CCECB) in the Soviet Union)
Asian Christian Review
Bodija Journal: a Philosophico-Theological Journal, Ibadan, Nigeria
British and Irish Association for Mission Studies, Occasional Newsletter
British Journal of Theological Education
Bulletin for Contextual Theology in Southern Africa and Africa
Bulletin of the Scottish Institute of Missionary Studies
Bulletin of the Society for African Church History
Bulletin on Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa
Catholic Witness
Church Overseas: an Anglican Review of Missionary Thought and Work
Church and Society in Asia Today
CMS Newsletter (Church Mission Society)
CTC Bulletin (Bulletin of the Program Unit on Theological Concerns, Christian Conference of Asia, Hong Kong)
Discernment: a Christian Journal of Inter-Religious Encounter
Drishtikone: Evangelical Perspectives on Mission and Ethics
East and West Review: an Anglican Overseas Quarterly
EFAC Bulletin (Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion)
EMQ: Evangelical Missions Quarterly
Evangelical Review of Theology (World Evangelical Fellowship Theological Commission)
Forum Mission
Gospel and Our Culture: a network for encouraging the encounter in North America
Gospel and Our Culture, Newsletters: a network newsletter for the UK
Indian Church History Review
Indian Journal of Theology
Indian Missiological Review (continued as Mission Today)
Interkulturelle Theologie
InterMission: an Australian Journal of Mission
Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
Jahrbuch Mission
Japan Christian Review
Journal for the Study of Religion
Journal of Constructive Theology (continued as Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa)
Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa
Journal of Inculturation Theology (Catholic Institute of West Africa)
Journal of Religion and Theology in Namibia
Journal of Religion in Africa
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
JTCA: Journal of Theologies and Cultures in Asia
LFM: Le Fait Missionnaire (continued as Social Sciences of Missions)
Mission Focus
Mission Round Table: the Occasional Bulletin of OMF International Mission Research
Neue Zeitshrift für Missionswissenschaft – Nouvelle Revue de Science Missionnaire
New Slant: the Gospel and Cultures Trust
Newsletter: Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
Orita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies
Pacific Islands Monthly
Perspectives Missionnaires
Pro Veritate
PTCA Bulletin: Programme for Theology and Cultures in Asia (continued as Journal of Theologies and Cultures in Asia)
Quest: an Interdisciplinary Journal for Asian Christian Scholars
Religion in Communist Lands
Religion in Malawi: an annual publication produced by the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Chancellor College, University of Malawi
Reporter: East Africa’s Fortnightly News Magazine
Research papers: Muslims in Europe
Review of Faith and International Affairs
SALG Newsletter (South Asia Library Group)
Sierra Leone Studies (Journal of the Sierra Leone Society)
Simon of Cyrene Theological Institute Journal
Social Sciences and Missions (previously LFM: Le Fait Missionnaire)
South East Asia Journal of Theology
South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies (continued as Australian Journal of Mission Studies)
Tam Tam: a publication of the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC)
Tangaza Journal of Theology and Mission
Telema: Revue de Relexion et Creativite Chretiennes en Afrique
Theology in Context (Information on theological contributions from Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America)
Transformation: an International Dialogue on Evangelical Social Ethics/ an International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies
Uganda Church Review
Voices from the Third World (Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians)
West African Journal of Ecclesial Studies
West African Religion (published by the Department of Religion, University of Nigeria, Nsukka)
World Dominion: an International Review of Christian Progress
World Faiths Encounter (published by the World Congress of Faiths)
Zeitschrift für Mission