WCC publications – New books

A sizeable number of WCC publications from the Risk Book series were added to the library this month, gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor, filling in gaps in our collection. This ecumenical series examines subjects such as hospitality in ecumenical perspective, challenges to the Church of the Rio Earth summit, the potential of virtual technology for Christianity, and theological reflections on overcoming violence and nurturing peace in war-torn parts of the world. You can find them in our library by doing a search on iDiscover for ‘Risk Book Series’ and refining your search to our library, using the drop-down menu on the search box.

The library also received a number of books relating to the Church in Africa, and Islam, from the library of Revd Roger Bowen, Chair of the Trustees of the Henry Martyn Trust, a gift from Brent Greiner on the Dalits and the struggle for their emancipation, and a selection of past Anglican conference reports from our director, Revd Dr Jesse Zink.

Donations of books have helped our library expand to its present state. We are a small library and space is at a premium, so we review any book donations before we accept them. Do you have any academic books that you think would advance our collection? See our donation page for more details.

Alternatively, if you have any book recommendations, we also welcome these. I have a monthly budget for new purchases. Do email me and I will be glad to review your suggestion.

Ruth MacLean



The Holy Bible : English Standard Version, containing the Old and New Testaments (2001,2011) Crossway

Edison Muhindo Kalengyo (2015) Sacrifice in Hebrews and the Pauline epistles Acton Publishers, Kenya

Olara Otunnu (2015) Archbishop Janani Luwum : the life and witness of a 20th century martyr Fountain Publishers, Uganda

Richard Werbner (2015) Divination’s grasp : African encounters with the Almost Said Indiana University Press



F.G. Carnochan & H.C. Adamson (1937) Out of Africa Cassell and Company Ltd, Ex Libris Revd Roger Bowen, Chair of the Trustees, Henry Martyn Trust

Basil Davidson (1967,70) The growth of African civilisation : East and Central Africa to the late nineteenth century Longman, Ex Libris Revd Roger Bowen, Chair of the Trustees, Henry Martyn Trust

W. Montgomery Watt, completely revised and enlarged the original (1970) Bell’s introduction to the Qur’an Edinburgh University Press, Ex Libris Revd Roger Bowen, Chair of the Trustees, Henry Martyn Trust

Malise Ruthven (1984) Islam in the world Penguin Books, Ex Libris Revd Roger Bowen, Chair of the Trustees, Henry Martyn Trust

Gai Eaton (1985) Islam and the destiny of man George Allen & Unwin, Ex Libris Revd Roger Bowen, Chair of the Trustees, Henry Martyn Trust

Mark E. Glasswell and Edward W. Fashole-Luke, editors (1974) New Testament Christianity for Africa and the world : essays in honour of Harry Sawyer SPCK, Ex Libris Revd Roger Bowen, Chair of the Trustees, Henry Martyn Trust

Paul M. Miller (1969) Equipping for ministry in East Africa Central Tanganyika Press, Ex Libris Revd Roger Bowen, Chair of the Trustees, Henry Martyn Trust

John B. Grimley and Gordon E. Robinson (1966) Church growth in Central and Southern Nigeria William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Ex Libris Revd Roger Bowen, Chair of the Trustees, Henry Martyn Trust

Jacques Jomier; translated by John Bowden from the French (1988,89) How to understand Islam SCM Press Ltd, Ex Libris Revd Roger Bowen, Chair of the Trustees, Henry Martyn Trust

Joseph D’Souza (2004,13) Dalit freedom : now and forever ; the epic struggle for Dalit emancipation Dalit Freedom Network, Gift of Brent Greiner

Aruna Gnanadason (2005) Listen to the women! Listen to the earth! (Risk book Series, No. 111) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

Deenabandhu Manchala, editor (2005) Nurturing peace : theological reflections on overcoming violence (Risk book Series, No. 112) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

S. Wesley Ariarajah (2004) Axis of peace : Christian faith in times of violence and war (Risk book Series, No. 106) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

Wesley Granberg-Michaelson (1992) Redeeming the creation : the Rio Earth Summit; challenges for the churches (Risk book Series, No. 55) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

Diane C. Kessler, editor (2005) Receive one another : hospitality in ecumenical perspective (Risk book Series, No. 110) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

Mary Yoder Holsopple, Ruth E. Krall and Sharon Weaver Pittman (2004) Building peace : overcoming violence in communities (Risk book Series, No. 108) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

Ezra Chitando (2007) Living with hope : African Churches and HIV/AIDS 1 (Risk book Series, No. 119) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

Ron O’Grady (2006) The threat of tourism : challenge to the Church (Risk book Series, No. 113) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

Hugh McCullum (2006) Africa’s broken heart : Congo – the land the world forgot (Risk book Series, No. 115) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

Jean-Nicolas Bazin and Jerome Cottin (2004) Virtual Christianity : potential and challenge for the Churches (Risk book Series, No. 107) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

Genevieve Jacques (translated from the French by Nathan Lechler; edited by Miriam Reidy-Prost) (2007) Resisting the intolerable : guided by a human rights compass (Risk book Series, No. 117) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

Margot Kassmann (translated from the German by Nathan Lechler; English edition edited by Stephen Brown) (2007) With hearts, hands and voices : spirituality for everyday life (Risk book Series, No. 118) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

Robin Gurney (1995) The face of pain and hope : stories of diakonia in Europe WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

John Bluck (2001) The giveaway God : ecumenical Bible studies on divine generosity (Risk book Series, No. 93) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

Simon Oxley, editor (2005) Springs of living water : Bible studies on grace and transformation (Risk book Series, No. 109) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

William D. Watley (1993) Singing the Lord’s song in a strange land : the African American churches and ecumenism (Risk book Series, No. 57) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

Arne Fritzson and Samuel Kabue (2004) Interpreting disability : a church of all and for all (Risk book Series, No. 105) WCC Publications, Gift of URC’s General Secretary, Revd John Proctor

The Lambeth Conference (1930) The Lambeth conference 1930 : encyclical letter from the bishops with resolutions and reports SPCK, Gift of Jesse Zink

The Lambeth Conference (1978) Who’s who at the Lambeth conference, 1978, Gift of Jesse Zink

Anglican Consultative Council (1979) ACC – 4 : Anglican Consultative Council : (report of the) fourth meeting, London, Ontario, Canada, 8th May – 18th May 1979 ACC, Gift of Jesse Zink

Anglican Consultative Council (1976) ACC – 3 : Anglican Consultative Council : (report of the) third meeting, Trinidad, 23rd March – 2nd April 1976 ACC, Gift of Jesse Zink

Anglican Consultative Council (2004) The Windsor Report 2004 : the Lambeth Commission on Communion Anglican Communion Office, Gift of Jesse Zink