Kingston to Cambridge without a Camel
On Sunday morning 30 June 2024, as the first event in the CCCW’s World Christianity Summer Institute 2024, on the theme ‘Poverty and the Church’, an eight mile walk will be led by Graham Kings, from the village of Kingston, west of Cambridge, to Selwyn College, Cambridge.
The walk is free, and the brunch at Selwyn College is £13.
Through the Selwyn website, we hope that people will contribute to the fund for Bubisa School, in northern Kenya. The site will go live soon.
The angel of the Lord said:
“Do not be afraid, for see, I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people.” Luke 2.10
CCCW wishes everyone a very Happy and Blessed Christmas! May the birth of Emmanuel bring enduring peace, joy, and hope to the whole world.
Crossing Cultures in Uganda, No 5
‘The Archive holds their recollections in Rukiga and English and their photos, with mission-era photos, correspondence and pamphlets and baptismal and marriage record books. Diocese staff were generous and enthusiastic. Only descendants of a prominent evangelist declined to contribute memorabilia.
By mid-day on the Big Day, 200 faculty, students and residents of Rugarama Hill were seated with our dignitaries and, next to them — frail but attentive — the aging ‘Children of the Revival’ at the heart of the Oral History Project.’
October 2023
‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations’. (Matthew 28.18-19a).
‘A few days ago, a business leader told me that, when he began his career working for an international mission organization, he was often prayed for at church. But when he later decided to go into business, those prayers stopped. While his decision was faith-filled, his career change meant his fellow churchgoers lost the motivation to pray for him.’
A reflection by our Senior Research Associate, Dr Peter Heslam
June 2023
Crossing Cultures in Uganda, No 4
‘The Resurrection continues to resonate in this Christian community. In fellowship, we reflect on the astonished women who ran from the empty tomb straight into history as our first evangelists: ‘He is risen!’ We place ourselves in the narrative: I am the thief who petitioned Jesus; you say you walked the Road to Emmaus; that man is Thomas behind the locked door. Who are you? Easter is our universal, yet personal story.’
May 2023
Crossing Cultures in Uganda, No 3
‘Today students in my English classes from Rwanda, some of them pastors, asked me to pray for them. Their nation is preparing the national Day of Remembrance for victims of The Genocide. It will be exactly twenty years. We, in this sheltered place just across the border from Rwanda, in a nation that looked on in horror, have no museums of death, no flags of mourning that fly in silence because there are no words for the atrocities.’
April 2023
Crossing Cultures in Uganda, No 2
‘My days are full, in Uganda. I hope yours are too. This week I visited a school for homeless youngsters called Akanyijika (‘He has Remembered Me’). It’s an Australian charity, but there are projects from many nations for AIDS orphans and abandoned children built among the hills around Kabale. They do so much good work. The food, clothing, care and education the children receive actually surpasses the average provision for children in the nation. But each child has suffered before they receive help; many don’t receive any.’
March 2023
Crossing Cultures in Uganda, No 1
A series of reflections on her mission in Uganda by Janet Parsons, the CCCW Research Associate.
‘They reflect the joys and sorrows, insights and dilemmas of the outsider looking in — who is also the insider looking outward with explanations for others — through her confusion and concern, joy, anger, hard-won patience and new insights.’
March 2023
Christian Unity: A Journey into Otherness
A sermon preached by our Director, Dr Muthuraj Swamy, on Sunday of Christian Unity.
February 2023
From Henry Martyn to World Christianity Worldwide
FROM HENRY MARTYN TO WORLD CHRISTIANITY: CAMBRIDGE CENTRE FOR CHRISTIANITY WORLDWIDE. Ian Randall, Mutharaj Swamy and Graham Kings. Book review written by Canon Brian Macdonald-Milne (Corpus Christi College, Cambridge).
January 2023
Love the Bible to Live the Bible
A sermon preached by Revd Dr Peter S Heslam, one of our CCCW Research Associates, at St John the Evangelist Church, Hills Road, Cambridge on Bible Sunday on 23 October 2022.
November 2022
In her talk, Dr Naomi Richman considered the ways in which a group of Nigerian Pentecostals who belong to a deliverance church are re-narrativising their lives by constructing and entering into new timelines of history after seeking a rupture with the past and becoming born again.
November 2022
Henry Martyn Celebrated at Westminster College
Fascinating start to 2022-23 Seminar Series with Bible Society talk.
October 2022
Wisdom’s Call: Humility, Diversity and Reconciliation
A sermon preached by Muthuraj Swamy at the Cambridge Theological Federation’s 2022-23 academic year inaugural worship service at Great St Mary’s church on Tuesday 4th October 2022.
October 2022
Thanking God for our wonderful inaugural World Christianity Summer Institute
on ‘Grief, Resilience and Hope amid the Pandemic.’
September 2022