Visiting Researchers
The Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide is a warm and welcoming community that offers a base for scholars, researchers, and other visitors to Cambridge.
The CCCW is a gold-mine, a rich depository of sources that I would recommend for any scholar of Christianity in the Global South.
Dr Paddy Musana Department of Religion and Peace Studies, Makerere University, Uganda
Anyone is welcome to use the library during the Centre’s usual opening hours. Visitors have access not only to the CCCW’s rich library and archival collections but can also take advantage of the research resources available more broadly in Cambridge. If you wish to study for longer periods of time, you may wish to apply for the status of visiting researcher.
Visiting researchers are entitled to
- out-of-hours access to the Centre
- a reserved study carrel
- full borrowing privileges from the library
- join the CCCW Research Associate community
In addition, the Centre will sponsor visiting researchers to gain access to the Cambridge University Library, a legal deposit library which holds more than eight million volumes and contains important archive collections of its own.
Visiting researchers are able to take advantage of the Centre’s links with the other institutions on the campus of Westminster College, our partners in the Cambridge Theological Federation, and the University’s Divinity Faculty, all of which are active scholarly communities and have important library and archive collections of their own. Read more about our partner organizations.

Why Spend a Sabbatical at the CCCW?
- Location: Cambridge is a world-class university city with unparalleled research and scholarly resources. The Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide provides an entry point into this scholarly world.
- A Scholarly Nexus: The Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide is located on the campus of Westminster College, a growing site of ecumenical and inter-religious research with a global focus. The Centre is also connected with the Cambridge Theological Federation and the Divinity Faculty of Cambridge University, both leading institutions of theological engagement with the wider world.
- An active Seminar programme: The Centre’s regular programme of events and activities is open to all visitors, as are the many other numerous public lectures, seminars, and events that take place around the university.
- Library and Archive: For scholars of mission, anthropology, and global Christian history, the Centre’s library and archive collections are a treasure-trove of material, providing ample support for deep research engagement.

What next?
If you are interested in being a visiting researcher, the first step is to contact the Director. An application consists of the suggested visit dates, a CV, a brief description of the intended research, and the name of a referee we may contact. Then, the Director of Studies will arrange a meeting to discuss your application further.
Visiting researchers are welcome at any time of year. Cambridge terms run from early October to early December, mid-January to mid-March, and mid-April to mid-June. In general, most Seminars and academic events take place in the first two terms, while the focus of the third term is exams.
Fees and Scholarships
Fees for the academic year 2023/2024
For more information, including fees for visiting scholars, please contact the Centre Coordinator at
Visiting researchers are also eligible for reduced rates at Westminster College, in which the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide is located. Read more about accommodation options in Cambridge.
For immigration purposes, non-EU nationals will need an academic visa to enter the country as visiting scholars. Read more about academic visas.