Date of creation: 1970 to 1994
Extent: 63 items
CCCW Catalogue: SBW
Keywords: Church Missionary Society, mission

Simon Barrington-Ward (1930-2020) graduated from Magdalene College, Cambridge in 1953 and trained for the priesthood at Westcott House. He was a lecturer in religious studies at University College, Ibadan in Nigeria and later Principal of the Church Missionary Society college Crowther Hall at Selly Oak in Birmingham. From 1975 to 1985 he was General Secretary of the Church Missionary Society. In 1985, he was consecrated Bishop of Coventry. This collection comprises mainly letters sent to Simon Barrington-Ward from a wide network of correspondents around the world during his time as CMS General Secretary and Bishop of Coventry.

A further donation of papers was made in 2016 and these papers are currently being catalogued. Please contact the archivist for further information.

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