Research With Us

The Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide is an active scholarly community. We conduct our own research projects, mentor students, and welcome visiting researchers from around the world.

We would be delighted if you were to join us in our endeavours—as a research student, a visiting researcher, or just someone who happens to drop by to browse our shelves.

The Centre gathers in one location a wide range of resources and people related to the church in our global age. -Dr. Ming Shun Chiang, Trinity Theological College, Singapore

Read more in this section about our ongoing research and the ways you can affiliate with our Centre.


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Henry Martyn’s ‘Twenty sermons’

Our library has an exciting new book that you will not want to miss! Legare Street Press recently published a…

CCCW Day Lecture 2025 “What Does World Christianity Mean for Mission Studies? Explorations in Christianity Worldwide” by Prof Kirsteen Kim

Prof Kirsteen Kim will explore how World Christianity offers fresh insights into mission studies in academic contexts.