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The Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide is located in Westminster College on Madingley Road in Cambridge, CB3 0AA. As you face the front of Westminster College, the entrance to the CCCW is on the far left of the building. If you cannot find our entrance, the people at Westminster’s front desk can direct you. Detailed directions are below.
The Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide
Westminster College
Madingley Road
Tel: +44 (0)1223 330640 (Centre) / +44 (0)1223 330641 (Director)/ +44 (0)1223 330642 (Library/Archives)
Opening hours
Mondays to Thursdays 9am – 4pm
Fridays 9am – 1pm
Closed for lunch 1pm – 1.30pm
- July and August: we are open mornings only 9am – 1pm
- Seasonal closures: Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas and New Year
If the door is locked, please ring the bell and we’ll be happy to let you in.
Email us or use the contact form below.
Visit Us
By Car
Cambridge is located at the junction of the M11 (from the south), the A428 (from the west), the A14 (from the east and north-west), and A10 (from the north). There is limited parking at Westminster College. If you are coming for the day there is a £5 parking fee.
Park and Ride
Cambridge has many Park and Rides. The closest is the Madingley Road Park and Ride (Post code: CB3 0EX). The stop off nearest to Westminster College is the Round Church.
By Train
Cambridge is easily accessible from London (King’s Cross or Liverpool Street stations), Peterborough for points north and west, and Norwich and King’s Lynn. Train schedules may be checked online.
It is just over a 1.5 miles from the station to the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide. There are taxi ranks at the train station. The walk takes you directly through the Centre of Cambridge. There are also several city buses (#1, #3, or #7) that run from the station to the centre of the city, which shortens the walk considerably.
By Bus & Walking
Buses #1, #3, or #7 will take you from the rail station to the city centre. From there, you can walk to the CCCW. (see Google map above)
By Coach
The National Express serves Cambridge, as does the X5 service that connects Cambridge and Oxford via Milton Keynes and Bedofrd. The X5 stops on Northampton St. just around the corner from Westminster College and the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide.
National Express services stop at Parker’s Piece. From there, you may walk to St. Andrew’s St. on the south side of Parker’s Piece (see Google map above). There is also a taxi rank at Parker’s Piece.