Welcoming Dominican Sister Pavlina Kasparova!

CCCW is thrilled to announce that Dominican Sister Pavlina Kasparova is starting her part time role as our Academic Coordinator on 1st September. Pavlina is a well known member of CTF and has already worn several hats! She has more than ten years of experience as a teacher and mentor, has lectured, arranged events and much more. She is committed to lifelong learning and this spring she defended her PhD “Fine Art and Theology” at Anglia Ruskin University.

Pavlina is a great “federator” and we are sure that her presence with us will be a blessing to our students and all within CTF. Please do join us in welcoming her warmly to her new and strategic role. In her own words:

I’m happy and grateful to become part of such a dedicated team of CCCW. I’m sure we will have many opportunities to enrich one another and all people who join us on this shared journey.