News Articles Research & Study
Henry Martyn’s ‘Twenty sermons’
Our library has an exciting new book that you will not want to miss! Legare Street Press recently published a...
CCCW Day Lecture 2025 “What Does World Christianity Mean for Mission Studies? Explorations in Christianity Worldwide” by Prof Kirsteen Kim
Prof Kirsteen Kim will explore how World Christianity offers fresh insights into mission studies in academic contexts.
CCCW-DivFac World Christianities Seminar: “The World Council of Churches Assembly in New Delhi 1961 and Processes of De-Westernisation: Approaches, Negotiations and Transloyalties in the German Democratic Republic, India and Nigeria” by Prof Frieder Ludwig
As will be highlighted by some case studies, processes of de-Westernisation of the WCC were embedded in a complex setting of loyalties, transloyalties and negotiation processes.
Henry Martyn Day Lecture 2024 “Whatever Happened to Missionary Enthusiasm? The Transformation of Protestant Globalism from Bishop Selwyn’s Cambridge Sermons in 1854 to Today” by Prof Brian Stanley
Renowned historian Brian Stanley will explore missionary zeal, considering the impact of photography, the world wars and the rise of NGOs.
CCCW-DivFac World Christianities Seminar: “Great Commission and Agency: Critical Insights from the Underside” by Prof Rohan P. Gideon
CCCW Talk: Tuesday 8 October 1600-1730 BST Room 7, Faculty of Divinity, 25 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DPFollowed by refreshments...
World Christianity Summer Institute 2024 Public Lecture by Mr Richard Lewney
Like many important issues in social and economic policy, the causes of and remedies for poverty are highly contested. Ideas from economics permeate wider society and are taken up or opposed according to how well they accord with our worldview, particularly the worldview of our ‘tribe’. This applies to...
World Christianity Summer Institute 2024 “Poverty and the Church” Inaugural Address by Prof Esther Momba (joining online)
This presentation seeks to investigate how the church addresses the female face of poverty and the elevation of it, how does the church address the reality that women are providers, although their work is often not acknowledged nor valued.
CCCW Talk “South Asia’s Christians: Between Hindu and Muslim” by Prof Chandra Mallampalli (joining online)
South Asia is home to more than a billion Hindus and half a billion Muslims. But the region is also home to substantial Christian communities, some dating almost to the earliest days of the faith.
Religion and Commonwealth Values: a panel discussion
Date: Friday, January 12, 2024Time: 2:00 PMVenue: Westminster College, Cambridge Join us for a captivating exploration into the intersection of...