CCCW-DivFac World Christianities Seminar: “Great Commission and Agency: Critical Insights from the Underside” by Prof Rohan P. Gideon
CCCW Talk: Tuesday 8 October 1600-1730 BST
Room 7, Faculty of Divinity, 25 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP
Followed by refreshments
Title: “Great Commission and Agency: Critical Insights from the Underside”
In recent centuries, the missional methods in the vision of the Great Commission have strong civilizational and cultural undertones, justified by the Scripture. While the gospels uphold the Great Commandment or the Greatest Commandment, the Great Commission as a missional construct has subdued the agency of the marginalized in various contexts. The presentation is an interrogation of the missional methods in the process of reclaiming the agency, especially of children.
Rev. Dr. Rohan P. Gideon is Professor of Christian Theology at the United Theological College, Bengaluru (India). He is an ordained minister of the Church of South India. His areas of research and interest are ‘Agency of the Child & Theological Methods’ and ‘Human Sexuality & Christian Theologies’.